Saturday, July 17, 2010

1770 and all that

(28-30 June 2010)

So, onto 1770, or officially, The Town of 1770 or The Town of Seventeen Seventy.

Unlike the town in far north Queensland named Cooktown, the bright sparks here decided to name the place after the year Captain Cook landed nearby – the first place he set foot in Queensland.

Imagine every place he landed was named after the year – there would be many 1770s doted along the coastline. Or conversely, many Cooktowns for that matter.

I suppose, you need to use the longer version of the place name so as not to confuse Australia Post with 1770 and postcode placed side by side.

Enough of this quibble as it is a very picturesque place.

We walk the track through the bush from back of the campgrounds to the surf beach to find a beach festooned with shells, the sand gritty with the fragments of broken shell. But as usual, nothing deters the tribe from the beach, as water and sand are plentiful. As usual, there is the sandcastle building and shell collecting, plus the added bonus of attempting to bury M in sand as she read.

Driving around the inland bay, looking west from the point and savour the view, deciding that in another life, we will have to return to places like this with boat and fishing rods and join others on the water – it must be a good thing as there are many boat trailers left in the carpark.

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